Ready to turn those solo travel blues into a duet of travel "yaaas"?

Girl, we get it. You’re ready to swap your daily routine for poolside laughs and passport stamps, but your squad’s availability is playing hide and seek.


Fear not!


Our Roommate Roundup is your golden ticket to join fellow globe-trotting queens on Melanated Moms Travel exclusive group trips—no more flying solo unless you want to!


We’re here to bridge the gap between “I wish” and “I will”


So pack that confidence with your carry-on and let’s find you a travel twin to share in the “oohs” and “aahs” across the globe.

Imagine linking arms with a fellow melanated mom who gets your vibe, someone who’s all about embracing exotic destinations, diving into cultural marvels, and creating laughter-filled memories that sparkle long after the journey ends. 


Here’s the tea:


  • Choose Your Journey: Pick the group trip that speaks to your spirit and hit “Book Now”
  • Opt for Shared Moments: Select the “Double Occupancy” option on our reservation form.
  • Secure Your Spot: Make your payment and let the anticipation build.
  • Share a Bit About You: Fill in the details on the reservation page— be real, be you!
  • Select “Roommate Match”: Let us know you’re open to making a new friend.
  • Hit “Submit” and Shine: That’s it, queen!


Once you’ve laid the groundwork, you’ll land on a page and enter some info about yourself and your travel preferences.


Be honest! Your answers are what we use to pair you with the best roommate match.


While our goal is to strive for perfection with our roommate matching program we can’t promise a perfect match, we can promise a community of amazing women, just like you, ready to take on the world.


After we receive 75% of your trip cost you’ll receive emails from the MMT squad with the name and email address of your match. We’ll also provide them with your info.


Ready to double the fun and halve that bill? Let’s make it happen!


We gotchu, sis!

Start Your Roommate Journey Here

Who said you can’t find your travel soul sister?

Not us!

Our Group Trip Roomie Finder is all about making connections that turn into sisterhoods, one fabulous destination at a time.

Travel in Tandem: Tips & Etiquette for Roommate Revelries

Navigating new friendships while exploring the world can be as thrilling as it is challenging.

Here’s our savvy guide to ensuring your roommate rendezvous is smooth sailing:


  • Communication is Queen: Chat ahead of the trip. Discuss expectations, share schedules, and get on the same harmony hymn sheet.
  • Respect the Space: Keep your shared quarters tidy. Your roommate will appreciate the gesture, and it keeps the peace (and your sanity)!
  • Be Open, Be You: Embrace the differences. Whether it’s in bedtime routines or adventure levels, stay open and find common ground.
  • Privacy Please: Honor quiet times and personal moments. Sometimes the best travel buddy is one who understands the need for silence. 
  • Share the Shine: Take turns with the bathroom and getting ready. It’s all about balance and sharing the spotlight.
  • Plan Together: Coordinate on some activities. Even if you’re Miss Independent, a shared experience can be the highlight of your trip.
  • Savor the Solitude: It’s okay to have solo moments. A little me- time can rejuvenate your spirit for more group fun.
  • Keep it Classy: Celebrate the end of your trip with a little token of appreciation. Nothing says “thank you” like a heartfelt gesture.