From Mom to Me: Taking a Break With Your Best Friends

Remember when you and your girlfriends used to spend all your time together? Obviously, now that you’re a mom, you can’t do that… but there’s no reason you shouldn’t get your best girls together and head off for a girlfriends’ getaway! In fact, spending time away with your girlfriends could be one of the best things you could do, for a bunch of reasons. Read on for five reasons you need a girlfriends’ getaway ASAP!


  1. You Need a Break
    Being a mom is a full-time gig – and if you’re a working mom, you never stop! Of course, you love your family, but you deserve to take some time off being “Mom” and get a chance to just be YOU. When you head off on a trip with your girlfriends, you can focus on yourself, with no need to look after anyone else. With your girlfriends, you’re not “Mom,” you’re just you.


  1. Reconnect With Your Sisters
    Your girlfriends have been by your side through it all; ups and downs and everything in between. But with work, school runs, making sure your family are taken care of, and just life, it’s sadly far too easy to neglect your friendships and let them drift away. Planning a girlfriends’ getaway will give you and your best friends a chance to reconnect and remind each other how much you mean to one another.


  1. Try Something New!
    Let’s face it, it can be hard to get kids to try anything new (new TikTok challenges, sure, but getting them to try foreign food or visit different places can be like pulling teeth). But your girlfriends will most likely be up for having adventures and trying new things! Whether it’s ziplining through a jungle, trying unusual local cuisine, or indulging in some sort of mud wrap at a spa, you and your girlfriends can challenge each other to be brave and seek out new experiences!


  1. Moms Need Self-Care
    You know the old saying – “You have to fill your own cup before you fill anyone else’s.” And that goes double for moms. You spend all day making sure your family is safe, cared for, and fed. You drive the kids to all their after-school activities, and you make sure dinner is ready for them when they get home. You must be exhausted! Taking a trip with your girlfriends gives all of you a chance to relax, rest, and recharge your batteries. You’ll be a better mom for it, trust us!


  1. Set a Good Example for Your Kids
    You might not think going on a girlfriends’ getaway has anything to do with setting a good example for your kids, but it does. Everything you do teaches something to your kids – they’re always watching you. So, by going away for some time with your girlfriends, you’re showing your kids the importance of valuing yourself and letting yourself have a break. And you’re showing them that when they have kids of their own, they should allow themselves time to look after their own needs. They get an important lesson and you get some time off; it’s a win-win.


Mom, what are you waiting for? You and your best friends deserve to spend some time together, laughing, relaxing, and loving life. Hop in the group chat today and tell your girlfriends it’s time to plan a getaway together! And if they need convincing, read them this list of reasons why you all need a vacation – they’ll thank you for it, we promise.


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